2020-11-09 · Sweden has a 1.3% share of a global export market that is worth $753 billion annually. Key destinations for the country’s refined petroleum exports are the Netherlands ($2 billion), the United Kingdom ($1.5 billion), Finland ($1.27), Norway ($1.19 billion), and Germany ($760 million).


Medical apps and digital services in Sweden are going mainstream. One of the pain points that need addressing, says Bilby, concerns data regulation. Though Sweden has a relatively small domestic market it is strong in export and, more 

In the strategy, the Government addresses the challenges facing Swedish exports with a large number of concrete measures.” Legal documents: Govt Communication 2015/16:48 Regeringens exportstrategi (swedish) Panjiva provides data that powers global trade. Using information from 30 sources, we have shipment and customs records, company overviews and contact … Did you know the OEC has been around since 2011? Born as a research project at MIT, today the OEC is a professional tool serving data to millions of users every year. Export value of weapons from Sweden into selected countries 2014 Distribution of exported food and agricultural products from Sweden 2015, by category Export of commodities from Sweden 2018 Team Sweden will promote Swedish exports and make it simple for Swedish companies to establish themselves in the export market. The export support includes advice, financing, marketing and the long-term development of Swedish industry. SEK is a part of Team Sweden, which consists of 19 authorities and organizations. Sweden implements the European Dual Use Export Control Annex.

Sweden export data

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Export Prices in Sweden averaged 101.75 points from 1990 until 2021, reaching an all time high of 127.30 points in September of 2018 and a record low of 77.10 points in September of 1992. Exports, imports and net trade balance, February 2021, in current prices. 2021-03-26. In February 2021, Swedish exports of goods amounted to SEK 122.9 billion, while imports of goods amounted to SEK 115.6 billion.

The EU has signed a number of free trade agreements with various countries.

Export value of machinery and transport equipment from Sweden 2009-2019 Export partners of Denmark for edible oils and fats 2017, by export value Export partners of Denmark for beef 2017, by

Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) - Sweden. World Bank national accounts data, and OECD National Accounts data files. License : CC BY-4.0. Line Bar Map. None.

44.2 Exports % of GDP 2020 Sweden % of GDP: Exports % of GDP 2001-2020 Sweden (red) Exports % of GDP 2020 Sweden (red)

Sweden exports for 2016 was $220.14B, a 0.42% decline from 2015. Sweden’s top 10 exports accounted for well over two-thirds (69.8%) of the overall value of its global shipments. Pharmaceuticals represent the fastest grower among the top 10 export categories, up by 13.7% from 2019 to 2020. In second place for improving export sales was wood via a 12.1% gain. Sweden export data covers all the shipment details excluding companies trading and mainly used for primary research of the market.

Sweden export data

Välj ikonen , ange SIE-import och välj sedan relaterad länk. Sweden Coronavirus Vaccination Rate April 2021 Data. Summary Export Data Download historical data for 20 million indicators using your browser.
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In second place for improving export sales was wood via a 12.1% gain. 52 rows Sweden export data covers all the shipment details excluding companies trading and mainly used for primary research of the market. It excludes importer and exporter name and only covers trading activities of the country. It is based and compiled from Export Bills and Invoices filed at Sweden customs. Exports of goods and services (% of GDP) - Sweden.

Persson N. E.; Lantbrukshoegskolan, Uppsala (Sweden).
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Sweden Export trade information is collected directly from the Sweden Customs, Port Authorities, Government bodies, shipping companies, and different Trade Associations. We make sure that all the information we collect is credible and verified before sharing it with our customers. Sweden Export Data fields include Year, Month, Stat Regime, Trade Type, HS Code, HS Code Description, SITC code, SITC Code Description, Quantity, Unit, Quantity in KG, Importer Country, Value in Euro and Value in USD.

Sweden is a country in Northern Europe on the Scandinavian Peninsula. It borders Norway to hideClimate data for Sweden. Month, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, Year. Record high °C (°F), 11.0 (51.8), 16.2 (61.2), 20.9 (69.6)  The Swedish National Heritage Board is Sweden's central administrative agency in the Consideration of applications for export permits and licences Pursuant to the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the  Discover your global fast lane for imports, exports, broker integration, product classification, and preferences.

Exports, imports and net trade balance, February 2021, in current prices. 2021-03-26. In February 2021, Swedish exports of goods amounted to SEK 122.9 billion, while imports of goods amounted to SEK 115.6 billion. As a result, the net trade balance was SEK 7.3 billion. All statistical news for this statistic

All statistical news for this statistic Sweden’s top 10 exports accounted for well over two-thirds (69.8%) of the overall value of its global shipments.

Sweden implements the European Dual Use Export Control Annex. In addition to licensing requirements for import and export, you may also need a license to ship controlled items through Sweden. Export licensing in Sweden is the responsibility of the Inspectorate for Strategic Products. Country Statistics for Sweden Export Data Definition (SWEDEN_COUNTRY_STATS) The Swedish Tourist Authority requires a monthly export of market statistics in a structured ASCII text format that can be imported directly into the Accommodation Statistics database. One record is posted for each day of the month. Export value of weapons from Sweden into selected countries 2014 Distribution of exported food and agricultural products from Sweden 2015, by category Export of commodities from Sweden 2018 Sweden - Exports Goods and Services GDP contracts mildly in Q4; records worst annual contraction since 2009. GDP contracted 0.2% on a seasonally-adjusted quarter-on-quarter basis in the fourth quarter, contrasting the 6.4% expansion recorded in the third quarter and falling notably from the 0.5% growth estimated in the preliminary Q4 release.