Fabulae og Astronomica af den romerske forfatter Gaius Julius Hyginus er to vigtige, ikke poetisk kompendium af myter. Endelig gav en række 


Gaius Julius Hyginus was a Latin author, a pupil, a scholar Alexander Polyhistor, and a Freedman of Caesar Augustus. He was elected superintendent of the 

Konon. Lando. Linus. Soter. Urban. 6. Agatho.

Gaius julius hyginus

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[1] It is not clear whether Hyginus was a native of the Iberian Peninsula or of Alexandria. Gaius Julius Hyginus was a Latin author, a pupil of the scholar Alexander Polyhistor, and a freedman of Caesar Augustus. He was elected superintendent of the Palatine library by Augustus according to Suetonius' De Grammaticis, 20. It is not clear whether Hyginus was a … Gaius Iulius Hyginus (n. cca.

64 BC – AD 17) was a Latin author, a pupil of the scholar Alexander Polyhistor, and a freedman of Caesar Augustus.He was elected superintendent of the Palatine library by Augustus according to Suetonius' De Grammaticis, 20. 2021-04-02 · Gaius Julius Hyginus, (flourished 1st century ad), Latin author and scholar who, according to Suetonius (De Grammaticis, 20), was appointed by Augustus superintendent of the Palatine library.

One of the Graeco-Roman versions is the summary by Gaius Julius Hyginus, a first-century CE author from Roman Spain who collected ancient myths in a book called Fabulae, "stories".Although brief and poorly written, it is interesting because (a) it contains no reference to a boat and (b) it refers to an uncommon site where they survived.

Donus. Felix. Gajus.

A Saga de Gaius Julius Hyginus. Cuidado é o tema principal do livro Saber Cuidar – Ética do Humano – Compaixão pela Terra de Leonardo Boff. Em Saber  

60 körül és Kr. u. 17-ben halt meg, feltehetőleg Rómában. Augustus császár szabadosa és könyvtárosa volt.

Gaius julius hyginus

Chr.; † nach 4 n. Chr.) war ein antiker römischer Gelehrter und Schriftsteller.. Sueton bietet zwei Versionen seiner Herkunft: Er wurde entweder in Hispanien oder in Alexandria geboren, kam dementsprechend als Kriegsgefangener nach der Einnahme Alexandrias im Jahr 47 v. Chr. durch Gaius Iulius Caesar oder als Sklave nach Rom. Kaiser Augustus schenkte ihm die Se hela listan på theoi.com Gaius Iulius Hyginus (n.
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GAIUS JULIUS HYGINUS was a Latin writer who flourished in Roman Spain in the C1st AD. Two extant collections of fables were attributed to him: the Fabulae (or Fables) and Astronomica (or Astronomy).

קפיצה לניווט קפיצה לחיפוש. חופשי וסופר רומי בתקופת אוגוסטוס. גאיוס יוליוס היגינוס (/ hɪˈdʒaɪnəs / ; c.
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Gaius Julius Hyginus (1 st century) Poeticon Astronomicon, second half of 15 th century Florence, Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, Plut. 89 sup. 43, ff. 85v-86r. This manuscript contains the images of Hyginus' constellations. At folios 85v-86r Sagittarius and Capricorn are depicted.

Hyginus commentarios in Vergilium, opera de agricultura apibusque, multa alia scripsit, quorum nulla supersunt.

legendary figure credited as the first female midwife or physician in ancient Athens. Her story is told by the Roman author Gaius Julius Hyginus in his Fabulae.

60 körül – Kr. u. 17), római író. Hyginus Hispániában (vagy talán Alexandriában) született Kr. e. 60 körül és Kr. u.

Caspar Vopel (212 words) exact match in snippet view article find links to article Spain with Asia: Some years ago, Dear Reader, when I was explaining Gaius Julius Hyginus ’ Poeticon Astronomicon Simulacrorum by calculated images, I also Gaius Julius Hyginus (/ h ɪ ˈ dʒ aɪ n ə s /; c. 64 BC – AD 17) was a Latin author, a pupil of the scholar Alexander Polyhistor, and a freedman of Caesar Augustus.He was elected superintendent of the Palatine library by Augustus according to Suetonius' De Grammaticis, 20. 2021-04-02 · Gaius Julius Hyginus, (flourished 1st century ad), Latin author and scholar who, according to Suetonius (De Grammaticis, 20), was appointed by Augustus superintendent of the Palatine library. He went to Rome from Spain or Alexandria as a slave or perhaps a prisoner of war and was freed by Augustus. Se hela listan på religion.wikia.org Gaius Julius Hyginus (født ca. 64 f.Kr., død 17 e.Kr.) var en latinsk forfatter, elev av den greske lærde Alexander Polyhistor og frimann (tidligere slave) av Octavius Augustus.