2017-02-06 · Eqtec Plc Ord Eur0.001 (Cdi) is listed on the London Stock Exchange, trading with ticker code EQT. It has a market capitalisation of £151m, with approximately 7,208m shares in issue.
The Company's principal activities include identifying, developing, building, owning and operating power plants in the United Kingdom and Ireland using clean energy technologies. The Company operates through the power generation segment. 1 day ago 2020-10-05 2021-03-11 EQTEC's Technology Integration capabilities enable the Group to lead collaborative ecosystems that build sustainable, waste elimination and green energy infrastructure. The Company is quoted on AIM (ticker: EQT) and the London Stock Exchange awarded EQTEC the Green Economy Mark that recognises listed companies with 50% or more of revenues from environmental/green solutions.
For media enquiries: IFC Advisory Financial PR & Investor Relations 24 Cornhill, London, EC3V 3ND Tel: (+44) (0)20 3934 6630 E-mail: eqtec@investor-focus.co.uk About EQTEC plc. EQTEC is a world leading gasification technology partner with proven proprietary patented technology for cost effective waste-to-value applications. EQTEC designs and supplies advanced gasification solutions that have a higher efficiency product offering and are modular and scalable from 1MW to 25MW. The Share Centre Limited is a member of the London Stock Exchange and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under reference 146768. Registered office: Oxford House, Oxford Road, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP21 8SZ.
EQTEC PLC EQTE.L / EQT LN London Stock Exchange Group PLC LSE.L / LSE LN 18. März 2021 Die Aktie sei im Branchenvergleich noch teuer und so bevorzuge er weiterhin jene der Deutschen Börse oder des Konkurrenten Euronext. Feb 12, 2020 · This alert was written by Dr. LONDON, Jan. ist bereits seit 2007 an der Börse notiert und wurde damals für 37 Euro je Aktie platziert.
Köp aktien EQT AB (EQT). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid
Contact EqTec, the global experts in advanced gasification today to discuss our patented technology on enquiries@eqtec.com or via our website. Interim Half Year Results to 31 Dec 2016. Annual Report 2016. Interim Half Year Results to 31 Dec 2015 Eqtec Energy, Udenhout.
Aktueller EQTEC EO-,001 Aktienkurs (WKN: A1W982 | ISIN: IE00BH3XCL94) in Realtime, Charts und wichtige Angaben wie News, Umsätze, Analysen,
0.01. NYSE.
Eqtec Plc has a 4 week average price of 1.73p and a 12 week average price of 1.25p. The 1 year high share price is 3.17p while the 1 year low share price is currently 0.17p.
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EQTEC PLC (A1W982 | IE00BH3XCL94): Überblick aller relevanten Fundamentalkennzahlen zum Unternehmen, wie z.B. Gewinn, Dividende, Cash-Flow und Umsatz. Seite 1 der Diskussion 'EQTEC - unterbwertet?' vom 10.07.2020 im w:o-Forum 'Grüne Aktien'. EQTEC • Streity0815 schreibt: Meiner persönlichen Ansicht nach fehlt hier einfach noch so das öffentliche Interesse und die umsatzstarken Börsenplätze. Irische Aktien stehen jetzt nicht Eqtec Eqtec EQTEC PLC EQT Company page - Search stock, chart, recent trades, company information, trading information, company news, fundamentals Find the latest EQTEC PLC ORD EUR0.001 (CDI) (EQT.L) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.
EQTEC PLC. EQTEC PLC, formerly REACT Energy plc, is a clean energy project developer and operator. The Company's principal activities include identifying, developing, building, owning and operating power plants in the United Kingdom and Ireland using clean energy technologies.
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1 day ago
EQTEC shares (EQT) sind aufgeführt in dem London Stock Exchange (LSE) und Optimieren Sie ihr Portfolio indem Sie Ihre Aktie(n) im Auge behalten-und 31. März 2021 Der Deliveroo-Börsengang in London gerät zum Misserfolg.
EQTEC plc is listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”). EQTEC PLC (LON:EQT) Share Price and News. Sustainable proprietary solutions for two of the world’s greatest challenges: managing rising levels of waste EQTEC plc is listed on London’s Alternative Investment Market (“AIM”). Strategy EQTEC’s strategy is to be the preferred gasification technology supplier and plant operator to developers and owners of waste to energy projects with the aim of improving overall economics in order to realise value and to generate sustainable incremental wealth for EQTEC and its shareholders. Contact EqTec, the global experts in advanced gasification today to discuss our patented technology on enquiries@eqtec.com or via our website. Interim Half Year Results to 31 Dec 2016. Annual Report 2016.