database is based on data from Pubmed/Medline and three citation indexes from Web of Science Core Collection produced by Clarivate Analytics: Science 


01 Jan, 2021: Webometrics har publicerat de senaste resultaten från Webometrics Ranking Web Totalt antal Web of Science Core Collection uppsatser 11% 

Login to VPN is required for off-campus access. Web of Science Core Collection indexes primary journals and article citations in several databases spanning a wide range of disciplines.. Web of Science is a citation index. Citation indexes link articles through the articles' bibliographies, citation notes, and internal references. 2021-04-20 Загальний опис.

Web of science core collection

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Du kan skapa citation alerts och få meddelanden via e-post  Sökningen genomfördes i databaserna Pubmed, CINAHL, Web of Science Core Collection, SveMed+ och Statens beredning för medicinsk och social  Web of Science Core Collection (Science Citation Index (SCI) Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation  Spanning all disciplines and regions, Web of Science Core Collection is at Browse, search, and explore journals indexed in the Web of Science. The lists of publications related to antimicrobial resistance have been generated through searches in the Web of Science Core Collection  som Clarivate Analytics, tidigare IP & Science business of Thomson Reuters, natur- och samhällsvetenskapliga artiklar i Web of Science Core Collection  Database content: Citation database. Humanities. Link to tutorial video: Arts & Humanities in Web of Science Core Collection (2:45 min) Databasens innehåll:  Bilden kan innehålla: text där det står ”ΘΑ Web of Science Core Collection World.

The Master Journal List is an invaluable tool to help you to find the right journal for your needs across multiple indices hosted on the Web of Science platform. Spanning all disciplines and regions, Web of Science Core Collection is at the heart of the Web of Science platform. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

What is Web of Science Core Collection? All the journals that we select for inclusion in the collection are indexed cover-to-cover. For each paper we capture: all the authors all author affiliations the abstract and keywords (if provided by the all the authors all author affiliations the abstract

Possible values: Book; Book in series  Our robust evaluation and curation makes the Web of Science Core Collection the world's most trusted publisher– independent global citation database. Page 2 .

Trusted citation metrics, automatically imported from the Web of Science Core Collection. Correct author attribution, with your unique ResearcherID automatically added to the publications you claim in Web of Science collections. Your verified peer review and journal editing history, powered by partnerships with thousands of scholarly journals.

2015-01-22 · The Web of Science Core Collection is probably the single most authoritative source. Scopus is a very useful alternative for measuring the citation impact of articles, journals and authors. Scopus has a larger dataset, so more articles, journals and conference papers will have metrics.

Web of science core collection

Sciences and Technology; Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences; Update. Weekly. Note. Contains citations from scientific articles (cited references), enabling citation analysis (Who is quoting whom? Web of Science that we know you need to conduct effective research so you can focus in on the essential data from across more than 250 disciplines. WHAT IS WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION?
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WHAT IS WEB OF SCIENCE CORE COLLECTION? The Web of Science research platform by Thomson Reuters provides a user-friendly discovery environment providing access to all of the Web of Science collections.
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Web of Science Core Collection, one of the most authoritative bibliographic databases, is widely used in academia to track high-quality research. This database has begun to index online-first articles since December 2017. This new practice has introduced two different publication dates (online and final publication dates) into the database for more and more early access publications.

The journal is indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection and Scopus, among others. The research group has also taken the initiative for  Databas: Web of Science (Core. Collection).

Загальний опис. Центральною частиною платформи є наукометрична, реферативна, міжнародна база даних Web of Science Core Collection WoS(CC) (до 2014 мало назву Web of Science), яка включає в себе понад 18000 провідних журналів, розміщені у трьох


The Web of Science Core Collection™ is a trusted, high-quality, definitive resource for books, research journals and conference proceedings.