Answer. The noun CD can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be CD . However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be CDs e.g. in reference to various types of CDs or a collection of CDs. Find more words!


Create plural nouns in French by adding an s or x, or by substituting –aux for –al. Making French nouns plural, however, takes a different tack when it comes to family names and nouns that end in –s, –x, or –z. In French grammar, here’s how you turn a singular noun into a plural noun: […]

organisé adjective. fixed, methodical. syndiqué adjective. belonging to the trade union. hello grammarians let's talk about singular and plural nouns now nouns as we discussed previously are a type of word they are a part of speech and a noun is any word that is a person a place a thing or an idea and in English we can figure out just by looking at a noun whether or not there is one of something whether it's singular or whether or not there is more than one of something and there A simple explanation of "Du, de la, de l', des all become de or d' in negative sentences (partitive articles)". Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests … French Translation of “teacher” | The official Collins English-French Dictionary online.

Cd plural in french

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des filles. some daughters. des fils 1. some sons. 1 “des fils” does mean “some sons” but is a homograph: it can also mean “some threads”.

des neveux : nephews.

29 juil. 2019 Choose the correct sentence in plural form: ce sont des cd. c'est des cd. Answer the question in a complete French sentence and using the 

Making French nouns plural, however, takes a different tack when it comes to family names and nouns that end in –s, –x, or –z. In French grammar, here’s how you turn a singular noun into a plural noun: […] Q. What is the most common way to form a plural in French? answer choices.

Favorite Answer. The plural of DVDs in French is the same as in English: DVDs. Un DVD, des DVDs. A DVD, some DVDs. It isn't pronounced the same though. They say it like day-vay-day. That's just a very rough, approximate indication of the French pronunciation. To really know how to say it in French, you have to hear it said by a native speaker.

But there are quite a few French nouns that can only be singular, sometimes because the noun has a different meaning in the plural. Here are some French nouns that can only be singular: A simple explanation of "Using ''de / d' '' instead of 'des' in front of adjectives preceding nouns (partitive article)". Revise and improve your French with detailed content, examples, audio, personalised practice tests and learning tools engelska: CD (en) isländska: geisladiskur (is) m. polska: CD (pl) spanska: CD (es) m. tyska: CD (de) Hämtad från " ". Kategorier: Svenska/Substantiv.

Cd plural in french

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Jag gick på en promenad. Jack vann lotteriet. De köpte en CD. Plural French Subject uttalar Nous Vous Ils Elles · Real Business Cycle Theory · The Emphatic 

This page explains a common way of saying some in French. After you've read through this page, you'll be able to do some on-line exercises to practise what you've learnt. To say some in French, you need to know the gender of the word (noun) in question.. Masculine. If the word is masculine, such as (le) chocolat, (le) café, then the French for some is du: Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. 2020-08-17 In French, a noun is always either singular or plural.

Gender of nouns In French, all nouns have a grammatical gender, that is, they are masculine or feminine for the purposes of grammar only. Most nouns that express entities with gender (people and animals) use both a feminine form and a masculine form, for example, the two words for 'actor' in French are acteur (m) and actrice (f). The nouns that express entities without gender (e.g., objects

Sie möchte Französisch in der Schule lernen. [2] The French are nice people. Svenska: ·(data) optiskt, cirkulärt lagringsmedium för datorer; används speciellt till musik Tomas köpte en ny CD-skiva med låtar av Lars Berghagen. Agneta lagrade 31 Mar 2021 CD translate: CD. Learn more in the Translation of CD – German–English dictionary genitive , singular CD | nominative , plural CDs. Singular, Plural. Nominativ (Wer?

In French you must always use "des".