Ladies versus Butlers! - Fanservice Friday. Animation, Videos Alain-Christian February 05, 2010 anime 2 Comments. Ladies versus Butlers! takes last year's trend of characters crash landing face first on top of other people crotches to a higher level. The following sequence not only raises the fanservice bar, it's absolutely absurd!



The series includes 13 novels released between September 2006 and March 2012, published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint. This is "Ladies Versus Butlers! Specials 01 [1080P,Bluray,X264] - Thora-1" by kseniasolo on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who… 🌟อนิเมะ เรื่อง Ladies Versus Butlers 🌟 👀เนื้อเรื่อง : ฮิโนะ เด็กม.ปลายธรรมดาๆ ที่ดัน Ladies versus Butlers! takes last year's trend of characters crash landing face first on top of other people crotches to a higher level. The following sequence not only raises the fanservice bar, it's absolutely absurd! I've studied it frame-by-frame like the Kennedy assassination tapes and I'm no closer to figuring out how they landed that way. Ladies versus Butlers!

Ladies vs butlers fanservice

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anime images, wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, screenshots, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Ladies versus Butlers (…apparently). Here, we get an early special premiere before the series’ official start in January and it looks like Xebec and AT-X will focus a fair bit on the service side again, albeit not nearly as much as before. Ladies Vs. Butlers: Part fanservice and part.. er.. sorta plot, this series was a fanservice-favorite of mine this season for it’s brazen showing of tits, full, unaltered, uncensored, tits.

The following sequence not only raises the fanservice bar, it's absolutely absurd! I've studied it frame-by-frame like the Kennedy assassination tapes and I'm no closer to figuring out how they landed that way.

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Ladies vs butlers fanservice

Enjoy yet another review. Ladies versus Butlers! takes last year's trend of characters crash landing face first on top of other people crotches to a higher level. The following sequence not only raises the fanservice bar, it's absolutely absurd! I've studied it frame-by-frame like the Kennedy assassination tapes and I'm no closer to figuring out how they landed that way.
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It is only making them unwatchable. But if you’re someone who wants to watch an anime with a great story without being tired of the gratuitous fan service, then you have come to the right place. 🌟อนิเมะ เรื่อง Ladies Versus Butlers 🌟 👀เนื้อเรื่อง : ฮิโนะ เด็กม.ปลายธรรมดาๆ ที่ดัน Ladies versus Butlers! takes last year's trend of characters crash landing face first on top of other people crotches to a higher level.

Sanae, Kaoru, Ayse, Hedyeh, Pina and the other girls bear their backsides, press their mammaries against glass (and each other), lay provocatively across tables and raise the ecchi bar to the max in hopes of winning each battle, a boisterous crowd cheering AnimeVibe Lite - Faster and Lighter way to Stream Anime About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators Fanservice, the bread and butter of anime since its inception. Enjoy yet another review.
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Cute Clumsy Girl: She is a tad bit worse than the other maids/butlers at servicing the nobles, as she is very clumsy, and ends up either spilling the contents of the tray she was carrying or tripping (especially onto Hino in a compromising position). Date Peepers: For episode nine. Girlish Pigtails: Of the braid variety. Innocent Fanservice Girl

In the first episode, Tomomi says how much fun it will be with Akiharu now attending the school. But really, it's not that much fun. While the show did make me chuckle a few times, it's really just the fanservice alone that prevents the show from being a complete waste. 2018-12-13 2010-03-26 2010-06-01 Zerochan has 105 Ladies versus Butlers! anime images, wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, screenshots, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Looking for information on the anime Ladies versus Butlers!? Find out more with MyAnimeList, the world's most active online anime and manga community and database.

Ladies versus Butlers! (れでぃ×ばと!, Redi×Bato!) is a Japanese light novel series written by Tsukasa Kōzuki, with accompanying illustrations by Munyū. The series includes 13 novels released between September 2006 and March 2012, published by ASCII Media Works under their Dengeki Bunko imprint.

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Animation, Videos Alain-Christian February 05, 2010 anime 2 Comments.